Resilient, stressful, happy, disgusting, adorable, menacing....
We could spend days naming all of the words that describe kids at any given moment. But that's not really the point.
It has been my experience that well raised children have honest parents. They tend to be labeled at some point with nearly all descriptors because those parents are, well, honest. We'll work with that world. :)
Now with that in mind,
what have you taken the opportunity to teach your kids lately? There are so many amazing things to teach our kids. Things that will put them far ahead of their peers simply because none of this is being taught anywhere. Okay, okay, there are a few places teaching this cool stuff, but as parents if we don't at least get them there, we can count those out.It's the same as sending our kids to school. We just can not take for granted what they SHOULD be learning, and what they are ACTUALLY learning..... SO..
Again I ask, what have you taught your kids today?
Maps, first aid, fire starting, cold and hot weather do's and don't's? How about bugging out, or staying put? Have you planned routes for your kids to get home in case an emergency happens while they are at school, or while they are at other activities? Do you know what your kids schools emergency plan is? Do you have a plan set with a carpool parent?
Do your kids know how to find and clean water? How about trap making? Cooking skills?
I can hear it now, "But they're too young!"
Of course some of this stuff is going to need to be considered for age. What good parent wouldn't do that...? However, there are things that can be taught, and have been taught for centuries to even the very young. For example, finding water, sheltering in place, and yes even starting a safe fire. For the purposes of survival, both out doors, and in emergencies, what do you think their odds are with out this knowledge and know how with out you?
Would you take the time to improve your odds? Why not theirs?
Make the lessons games. What kid doesn't love a game? And try to be patient. Some kids learn faster than others, and some need repeats. Some will even fight you. But it IS your job to get through to them.
I prefer to use education as a safety measure. If your kid is a good kid,
AND you don't have to worry about giving them TOO much information, meaning they're not going to use what they learn for the destruction of human kind, then give them the information you think would benefit them.
(And yes, sometimes we have to give information EVEN WHEN we think they wont handle it... But that's our JOB) I want kids to have a fighting chance, not just because they might be lucky, but also because they are prepared.
First, teach them safety, teach them the rules, and the dangers. They need to have a clear picture of what CAN happen.
Safety first! Teach them how to clear the area that they intend to use as a fire pit or place. Teach them why some places are better for fires than others. ie; pits rather than open ground, bare dirt rather than grassy areas. Don't just tell them how to do it. Do it with them. Show them with your actions!
Do it again and again.Talk to them about the right and wrong ways to utilize fire. The right and wrong ways to maintain a fire. And the right and wrong way to put out a fire.
Show them the different ways to build their kindling and wood. This site has a great diagram for this.
Wilderness Survival.
Don't forget the three kinds of wood to start and maintain your fire, Tinder, Kindling, and Wood.
Practical Survivor, explains a bit better.
Show them how to build wind breaks and reflector fires and cooking areas.
The Art of Manliness has some great pointers.
Don't forget to teach them what works best for starting fires. There are the obvious ones. And then the not so obvious. This link
New Survival Skills, (this one is my favorite), has some great ideas for fire starting. From cotton balls to batteries.
Finally, teach them how to put out the fire. Teach them how to make sure it is out, and yes, even to clean up if necessary. On
Smokey Bears site, you can find the best ways for putting out fires.
Education IS the best defense, from the everyday, to the un-expected.
There are many great sites to learn all of this from. There are also many great Facebook groups and pages that deal with all of this directly in a community of like minded people. Here are some of my favorites....
New Survival Skills,
Wilderness Ready, and
Nic's Survival Blog.